vrijdag 4 september 2009

Lushy lush goodness on it's way!

ow boy oh boy

I just made a giant order at lush uk and I CAN'T wait!!!
I am running (almost) completely out of my lush goodies. My stack is shrinking disturbingly rapid. So I'm dying to get my package sometime reaaaal soon.
Just imagine having to wash your hair with ordinary shampoo! :P

Well I admit I'm kinda addicted to Lush I guess. But the solid shampoo (the right one is shampoo) is just so lovely and good for my hair I don't want to use anything else. And it is very handy for taking to the gym. No more leaking shampoo in my sport bag. I take showergel and bodylotion with me for that.


1 opmerking:

  1. Tikje aan de late kant maar nog bedankt voor je berichtje op mn blog...en hartstikke leuk als je me zou volgen, geen probleem ^-^
    Zal nu snel weer even verder lezen op die van jou, leuk, leuk, leuk...
