dinsdag 1 september 2009

Bang Bang Machine

This really is nostalgia at it's best!
When I was about 15 years old I bought a cd for 5 gulden at the Platenboef. Just because the cover looks darn cool. It was a full length cd of Bang Bang Machine. And man was it good! I totally loved the cd. I still have it, but it is full of scratches so it skips all the time. I have to try to digitalize it before it disintegrates. Unfortunately the band never really made it. Darn shame cause I still love them.
On youtube there are just a handfull of vids of them and this is one of them.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oneeeeeee! tranen in mijn ogen! nostalgie in mijn hart!!!!!!!!!!! zucht, waren we maar weer 15!!!

  2. ja nou ja, 15 is ook wel weer erg 15. Heel eventjes dan. Met alle wijsheid die we in de loop der jaren vergaard hebben! ;P
